
  • Brenda Ohana Rocha Hundzinski




Counterintelligence. Intelligence. Public Safety.


The Federal Constitution establishes that Public Security is the responsibility of all citizens, and it is the State's duty to promote and maximize it, which materializes its actions through constitutionally instituted bodies. These police bodies are assigned the duty to carry out preventive and repressive acts for the preservation of public order and the safety of people. In order to increase the effectiveness of police actions, the legal system instituted the Police Intelligence Activity, which may be developed by public security bodies with the aim of obtaining and providing subsidies for deliberations and decisions on public security, improving and perfecting the decisions taken of decision by through the provision of data, information and knowledge that will underlie the actions of Defense of the Democratic State of Law. In this sense, the present bibliographical research aims to understand and analyze the activity of police intelligence and counterintelligence.


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Author Biography

  • Brenda Ohana Rocha Hundzinski



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How to Cite

POLICE INTELLIGENCE AND COUNTERINTELLIGENCE. (2023). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(10), e4104256. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v4i10.4256