


Adolescents. Brazil. Lifestyle. PhysicalActivityLeve


Introduction: The synthesis of physicalactivitylevels (PAL) in the young Brazilian populationhasbecome an agenda of interestamongscholars in the area. In children and adolescents, relevantlevels of physicalactivitycontribute to the improvement of the lipid and metabolicprofile, as well as to the reductionof the prevalence of overweight,  added to this, it is likely that a physically active child/adolescent will become active adults as well. Objective: to verify the lifestyle and level of physicalactivity in Brazilian adolescents. Methods: This is an integrativeliterature review, carried out in the following databases: Virtual Health Library (VHL), Google scholar, Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) and using in isolation and/or in conjunction the following descriptors: Physicalactivity and adolescent, Physicalexercise and adolescent, Lifestyle and adolescent, Level of physicalactivity and adolescents. Results: Of a total of 30 publicationsfound, 09articlesmet the proposed objectives. It is a fact that the satisfactorylevel of physicalactivity in children and adolescents is related to higherquality of life and prevention of healthproblems. Considerations:There are stillfewstudiesdealing with PAL in Brazilian adolescents, most of whichwereconducted in public or private schools. There are severalfactors that interfere in a greater or lesser PAL in adolescents in Brazil, such as: age group, gender, school attendance, time spent with family, friends and technological devices (mainlytelevision, computer and cell phones) and socioeconomiclevel.


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Author Biographies

  • Eristanha Fernandes de Sousa

    Centro Universitario Santo Agostinho- UNIFSA.

  • Geisa

    Physical Education Academic at Faculdade Santo Agostinho - UNIFSA

  • Leyla

    PhD from the Catholic University of Brasília and Professor at the Santo Agostinho University Center - UNIFSA.


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How to Cite

LIFESTYLE AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY LEVEL IN BRAZILIAN ADOLESCENTS. (2023). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(11), e4114287.