Artificial Intelligence. Education. Personalization.Abstract
This study analyzes the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) in education, highlighting personalized learning as a benefit. The objective of this article is to comprehensively analyze the role of AI in transforming teaching and learning. The methodology employed is a systematic literature review, conducted in a formal and structured manner. Bibliographic research was carried out on renowned scientific platforms, with well-defined inclusion criteria. 20 articles that demonstrated consistency and alignment with the review objectives were selected. The qualitative approach, based on evidence from scientific literature, allowed for a deep understanding of the topic. The results reveal that AI in education has a substantial impact. Personalized learning is highlighted as one of the key advancements, adapting teaching to students' individual needs. However, ethical concerns are discussed, such as the accuracy of AI-generated answers and the protection of students' data privacy. Effective integration between AI and human supervision is emphasized as crucial to ensuring high-quality education. In conclusion, the research points to a promising scenario in education driven by AI. Personalized learning is highlighted as a significant benefit. However, ethical concerns that must be carefully considered are emphasized. Collaboration between AI and human guidance is seen as the key to maximizing the benefits of this ongoing educational revolution.
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