


endometriosis, vaginismus, infertility, sexual dysfunction, dyspaurenia.


Endometriosis is a disease of unknown etiology, which mainly affects women of reproductive age. The disease occurs when the tissue that lines the inside of the uterus (endometrium) attaches to other organs located in the pelvis, causing an inflammatory process in these regions. This inflammation can be caused by pelvic pain, and also pain during sexual intercourse, causing sexual dysfunction. This present study aimed to analyze and investigate case reports of infertility and sexual dysfunction in patients with endometriosis, its causes and treatments. Reviewing the articles, we can conclude that endometriosis is a disease that affects a large number of women, but its causes remain unknown, and due attention is not given to its symptoms and complications, which causes the lack of a well-designed treatment.


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Author Biographies

  • Giovanna Andrade Lima

    FMU - Centro Universitário das Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas - FMU.

  • Giovanna Santos Capeletto Ferreira

    Centro Universitário das Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas - FMU.

  • Paulo Roberto Palma Urbano

    Centro Universitário das Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas - FMU.


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How to Cite

INFERTILITY IN ENDOMETRIOSIS: DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPEUTIC APPROACHES. (2023). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(1), e414404.