Blockchain; Brazilian Beef; Export; Non-Tariff Customs Barrier.Abstract
This paper aims to understand how non-tariff trade barriers work. Specifically, it seeks solutions that add value to Brazilian beef, protecting it from these barriers. For this, an analytical bibliographic research was carried out on the theme of the research, so that the central elements were researched in articles presented in searches through Google Scholar. International trade is marked by the transfer of products, services, and capital between countries. Each country wants its exports to be greater than its imports, creating what we call a trade surplus. One of the ways to achieve a surplus is to establish customs barriers on imports. These customs barriers can be tariff or non-tariff. Tariff barriers have objective criteria and are monitored by the World Trade Organization in a simpler way. Non-tariff customs barriers, on the other hand, have as a criterion the importing country if it feels threatened by some sanitary and/or phytosanitary risk. The risk must be scientifically supported. Some countries use this prerogative to suspend the import of Brazilian meat on the grounds of the existence of cases of disease, despite the fact that the risk no longer exists in a concrete way or is negligible. The traceability of cattle provided by Blockchain makes possible to provide reliable information to the consumer market, making difficult to use this argument as a form of trade protectionism. The use of an institution present throughout the national territory essential for the success of the action. The ABCZ is the appropriate institution for its conduction.
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