


Physical activity. Old. Sedentary lifestyle. Training.


The following sudy based on a bibliographic-descriptive character, based on books and internet files, composing a qualitative bilbiographic research. Highlighting its development carried out in stages, where starting from expliratory research, articles and books by authors who address the topic were analyzed, with subsides for carrying out this study, constituiting a secondary source, that is, seeking to collect books and magazines of relevant interest for research, referring to the benefist of general strength training the fealth of the elderly. Therefoe, we have the following research question. How importante is strength training for improving the quality of live o folder adults? Having as a general objective to analyze the benefts of exercise and strenght training of the health of the elderly, and as specific objectives, I to anderstand the benefits of strength training in the health of the elderly, II to desribe the aging process in Brazil, III know the risks to the health of the elderly, therefore seeking subsidies and studies for better qualification. The methodology used to develop this study was thriugh bibliografhical research. In the results found during this study, it can be seen that all authors are moving in the same direction, meeting a positive response to the first hypthesis found, when we question the importance of streght training for improving the quality of live of the patient elderly.


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Author Biographies

  • Luiz Henrique Godinho

    Acadêmico do curso de bacharel em Educação Física. Faculdade Cristo Rei - Faccrei.

  • Edson Leandro Biage

    Professor Especialista adjunto do curso de bacharel em Educação Física pela Faculdade Cristo Rei - Faccrei.


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How to Cite

BENEFITS OF GENERAL STRENGTH TRAINING FOR ELDERLY HEALTH A BIBLIOGRAPHIC REVIEW STUDY. (2023). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(1), e414471.