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With the new environmental scenario it is necessary to search for new studies in the different spheres capable of predicting future environmental and human needs, taking into account the projections issued by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - FAO and the United Nations - UN this article aims to analyze the technical efficiency of the Integration, Crop, Livestock and Forest - ILPF in the recovery/preservation/conservation of the soils where the system is implemented. In order to achieve the objective, the research was carried out through bibliographies in academic research and technical magazines and manuals published by Embrapa and different educational institutions. According to the surveys carried out, it was found that the system integration farming, livestock and forest is widespread throughout the Brazilian territory, with technical improvement stations in different states and uses as models farms distributed throughout the national territory. The research observed different visions about the application of concepts related to the ILPF system and how it has improved soils in the process of degradation or in processes and degradation through techniques of cattle management (milk/cut), agriculture and the production of timber or non-timber products.
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