


Antihypertensives, Genotoxicity, DNA Damage


The induction of genotoxicity by synthetic drugs can cause several risks to the health of the population. Regarding the biological safety of drugs, it is extremely important to verify whether they have any action that can cause damage to the cell, such as lesions that cause pathologies in individuals who use these drugs. There are a variety of tests used as evaluative and measurable parameters useful in the determination of genotoxicity, in addition to investigating the cellular mechanisms for inducing damage in the genetic material, thus ensuring the availability of drugs with the lowest risk of toxicity to patients. Thus, the present research aimed to evaluate the available literature on the induction of genotoxicity by synthetic antihypertensive drugs that are easily accessible to the population. This study is methodologically structured through an integrative review of the exploratory literature. National and international publications from the last 10 years were included in the databases. The results obtained in this research demonstrated that the antihypertensive drugs enalapril, pindolol, carvedilol, hydrochlorothiazide, presented, through in vitro and in vivo assays, a DNA lesion that could induce cell death or variable mitotic processes, triggering an oncogenic process. To evaluate these damages, it was observed that the Micronucleus and Comet assays are the most used by researchers in their genotoxicity studies. Therefore, genotoxicity research is important, as it aims at the prevention and control of these drugs, the possible risks of human exposure, and the point out new paths and solutions.


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Author Biographies

  • Daniele de Araújo Moysés


  • Natasha Costa da Rocha Galucio

    Universidade Federal do Pará.

  • Waldecleyson da Silva Barbosa


  • Igor de Lima Rodrigues


  • Juliane Larissa Barbosa Santos


  • Valdineia Santos Vale


  • Ionara Antunes Terra


  • Regianne Maciel dos Santos Correa



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