Construction. Environmental Impacts. Sustainability. New Technologies. BIM.Abstract
The construction industry in Brazil is still known for the delay in the use of new construction technologies and for giving preference to traditional methodologies. We are currently in the era of technological revolution, in several industrial sectors, which we can call the 4ª Industrial Revolution. This new era brings a technological advance in the study of new construction materials, efficient and sustainable construction techniques, use of computerized, computerized and automated systems to accelerate production processes and consequently generate a saving of time, cost and resources. The use of these technologies, when it comes to housing, is an important factor in view of the housing deficit that Brazil is still going through. The speed, control and guarantee that these homes have the quality, performance and especially are sustainable, are important factors in the choice and application of these tools. The present work presents a survey of data and comparative information of projective and constructive technologies, and sustainable building materials through investigations in literature, analyzing the constructive performance and potential and its applicability.
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