Maxillofacial Surgery. Maxillomandibular Fractures. Mandible. Third Molar.Abstract
The mandible possesses significant resistance to forces applied to its structure. However, when these forces exceed its capacity, fractures can occur. Mandibular fractures account for approximately two-thirds of facial fractures. In light of this, the objective of this study is to review the scientific literature on angle fractures of the mandible associated with the extraction of third molars. According to the literature, the mandibular regions most commonly affected by fractures are as follows: ramus 27.96%, angle 19.35%, body 15.05%, parasymphysis 13.98%, symphysis 12.90%, and condyle 10.75%. Among these fractures, angle mandibular fractures represent approximately 19% to 36% of cases and typically affect male patients over the age of 25. The etiology can be associated with impacted and retained teeth, poor surgical planning, incorrect technique, atrophic mandible, excessive force application, and improper instrument handling. Regarding the type of treatment proposed for each case, surgical treatment was the primary approach, followed by conservative treatment. However, regardless of the method used, the focus should be on restoring functional occlusion, mandibular continuity, anatomical form, and function. Therefore, it can be concluded that angle fractures of the mandible associated with the extraction of lower third molars can occur due to various factors. Nonetheless, a well-planned treatment approach is essential to minimize risks and promote the complete restoration of the patient's masticatory functions, with the least possible sequelae.
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