
  • Lucas Luz
  • Aline Christine Almeida Marques da Silva
  • Laise Luz Aquino



Autism Spectrum Disorder, Cannabis, Cannabidiol, Treatment, Pharmacist.


Autism, initially described by the Australian physician and researcher Leo Kanner, is characterized as a severe developmental disorder that significantly impairs communication and social interaction. This integrative literature review aims to assess the effects of cannabidiol (CBD) in the treatment of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The review was conducted using PubMed, Science Direct, and LILACS databases, employing English keywords such as "pharmacological," "cannabidiol," "autism spectrum disorder," and "treatment," connected by the Boolean operator AND, and limited to the years 2019 to 2023. The initial search yielded 453 relevant findings, and through the screening and critical reading process, 36 were considered for full evaluation. Ultimately, eight studies were identified as key findings, forming the basis for comprehensive discussion. The analysis indicates that the use of CBD in treating ASD presents potential benefits, including the improvement of symptoms such as anxiety and aggression. However, challenges like societal prejudice and potential adverse effects necessitate a cautious approach. The pharmacist plays a pivotal role in ensuring responsible management, providing personalized counseling. Ongoing research is crucial for scientifically validating the efficacy and safety of CBD in ASD, considering the intricate nature of the endocannabinoid system. In summary, the informed and interdisciplinary implementation of CBD in ASD treatment requires a delicate balance between benefits and challenges.


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Author Biographies

  • Lucas Luz

    Universidade Federal do Pará  - UFPA.

  • Aline Christine Almeida Marques da Silva

    Universidade da Amazônia.

  • Laise Luz Aquino

    Universidade Federal do Pará  - UFPA.


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