International Marketing, Internal Customer, Internal Marketing, Employees.Abstract
The daily battle between companies is the search for success, and they have always dreamed of being recognized by international and global markets, in this case, which warned businesspeople not to forget that the success of companies comes from their internal environment. Internationalization is one of the business responses to the challenge of globalization and requires the company to bring together unique skills, which enable it to differentiate itself in the target market, so that it is competitive. This article aims to reflect on the importance of internal marketing as a management tool to keep internal customers motivated and win over. For this, it became necessary to carry out bibliographical research around the themes: internal communication, internal marketing and internal marketing itself, mistakenly used as synonyms. The main differences between them are presented in terms of focus, vision and objectives of each. However, internal marketing is the only management strategy that targets internal customers, making them worthy of all efforts in order to win over and motivate them. This article suggests actions to improve internal marketing, as well as relationship and motivation actions for the team of employees, which lead to end customer satisfaction, all in the national, international and global context.
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