Diabetes mellitus. Cardiovascular repercussions. Atherosclerosis. Diabetic cardiomyopathy and hypertension.Abstract
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disease with increasing global prevalence, associated with significant cardiovascular complications. Chronic hyperglycemia and insulin resistance are key factors in the pathogenesis of these complications, including accelerated atherosclerosis and diabetic cardiomyopathy. Recent advances in understanding the pathophysiological mechanisms have led to the development of new therapies, such as SGLT2 inhibitors and GLP-1 agonists, which have demonstrated additional cardiovascular benefits. Objective: This review sought to synthesize the current evidence on the cardiovascular repercussions of diabetes, exploring its pathophysiological mechanisms, impact on morbidity and mortality, and prevention and treatment strategies. Methods: A search of the scientific literature of the last 15 years was conducted, selecting original studies and reviews that addressed the cardiovascular repercussions of diabetes. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied to select the most relevant studies. Results and Discussion: The results highlight the high prevalence of cardiovascular complications in patients with diabetes, driven by complex pathophysiological mechanisms. In addition, they highlight the significant impact of these complications on morbidity and mortality and the crucial role of preventive and therapeutic strategies, including new pharmacological therapies and lifestyle interventions. Conclusion: The management of cardiovascular complications of diabetes requires an integrated and holistic approach, aiming to improve clinical outcomes and quality of life of patients. Continued investments in research, education, and health care are essential to address this growing challenge and mitigate its global impact.
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