


Acuity; Visual Test; Vision.


The vision is a fundamental sense for human learning and survival, the human eye is capable of discerning, through the perception of colors and contrasts, the objects observed and their location in space. The avaliation of the individual's vision qualities makes it possible to identify possible defects and promote compensation with therapeutic means or optical orthoses. Tests can be performed with optotype tables, color buttons and figures. The study of visual functional capacity in children, illiterate people, individuals with low communication skills or those with syndromes, requires the ability and use of equipment adapted by the evaluator. Is possible observe visual acuity and a reliable response to the state of the neurovisual system in special situations, the Teller test is used. Available in versions such as: rackets, plates and cards with specific patterns consisting of stripes, grids, using a black and white dicerniment. This review demonstrate one protocol with the TAC, Teller Acuity Cards, promoting the use of this vision equipament by Brazilian optometrists.


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Author Biographies

  • Tatiana Paiva de Araújo Souza

    Graduação em Optometria (UVV) Especialista em Optometria Comportamental (Alpha).

  • Edmilson de Souza

    Graduado em Optometria (UVV) Especialista em Optometria comportamental (Alpha).

  • Rodrigo Trentin Sonoda

    Doutorado em Ciências da Saude (UML-FL) Graduado em Tecnologia em Óptica e Optometria - Universidade Braz Cubas(UBC). Especialista em Docência no ensino superior(UNIBF). Estudos de Oftalmologia (UNIBF). Pericia Judicial (IPEMIG)  Terapia Oftalmica (FACUMINAS) NeuroAprendizagem (FSG) MBA em Ergonomia (FI) Quiropraxia (FI) Professor Lato Sensu FAELO/PE e ALPHA/PE. VP e 7a. cadeira da Academia Brasileira da Visão - ABV.


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How to Cite

VISUAL ACUITY ASSESSMENT BY TELLER CARD. (2024). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(3), e535070.