Enfermagem do Trabalho, Saúde Ocupacional, PandemiasAbstract
Occupational nurses play a fundamental role in identifying occupational risks, carrying out medical examinations and educating workers about preventive measures. They also contribute to the analysis of environmental risks, accident prevention, mental health promotion and ergonomic adaptation. During the Covid-19 pandemic, occupational nursing has been crucial in implementing education, prevention and control measures. Objective: to describe the scientific evidence available in national and international literature regarding the professional activity of Occupational Nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic. Method: The methodology adopted was based on extensive research in academic databases, such as PubMed, Scopus and Google Scholar, using relevant keywords related to occupational nursing, occupational health and safety at work. Result: Occupational nursing plays a crucial role in preventing occupational diseases through the identification and control of risks present in work environments, promotion and safety of workers. Discussion: The challenges faced by occupational nursing were observed, such as the lack of adequate resources to carry out their activities effectively, personal protective equipment, limited access to complementary exams and inadequate infrastructure in the workplace. And the need for integration between occupational nursing and other segments of occupational health. Conclusion: Occupational nursing plays a key role in promoting and preserving the health of employees, as well as preventing occupational diseases.
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