
  • Brunno Martinez Bozzi




Air Patrol, Helicopter, Falcão Project


The “Falcão Project” began on August 18, 2023 with the application of two new helicopters, with great technology on board, in exclusively police service, establishing in Curitiba and Cascavel, crews applied daily with the aim of raising the standard of policing preventive and repressive air defense in the State of Paraná. In this original scientific article, we aim to support the Corporation Command with data from the Project's application, in addition to directly presenting the use of helicopters in the performance of police activities, aiming at the constant improvement of Air Operations. Unlike what happened in the past in the Air Operations Military Police Battalion, where the helicopter was only used in air support for immediate repressive actions or previously planned operations, currently the BPMOA follows a preventive air patrol program. We analyzed the Unit's operational doctrines, combined with the objective of reducing crime and violence rates, bringing more modern and effective support to front-line police officers, with the application of greater technology on board helicopters.


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Author Biography

  • Brunno Martinez Bozzi

    Polícia Militar do Paraná - PMPR.


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How to Cite

FALCÃO PROJECT: THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE GREATER APPLICATION OF HELICOPTERS IN PUBLIC SECURITY IN THE STATE OF PARANÁ. (2024). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(5), e555272. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v5i5.5272