Pharmacotherapy. Tuberculosis. Multiprofessional teamAbstract
Tuberculosis continues to be a serious public health problem in the state of Amazonas, especially in Manaus due to its high rate of treatment abandonment. Objective: to evaluate pharmacotherapeutic follow-up in patients admitted to a reference hospital for infectious diseases in the state of Amazonas who use medications for tuberculosis. Methodology: Cohort study with a restricted population group where daily visits were made to patients with tuberculosis admitted to isolation clinics to ensure the correct administration of such medications. Results: 30 hospitalized patients were monitored, of which 80% were male with an average age of 33 years and all research participants were HIV positive. It was observed that, with supervision when taking the drugs, 90% of patients had good adherence to drug treatment. The most frequent adverse events that prevented some (10%) from continuing treatment were: incorrect way of taking the medication (gastric emptying and dosage not respected). Conclusion: The work of the multidisciplinary team and especially the pharmacist in monitoring and supervising the taking of daily doses of tuberculostatic drugs resulted in a significant reduction in these events.
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