Type 2 diabetes mellitus, Complications, Quality of lifeAbstract
It is known that omission and inadequate treatment of diabetes mellitus can cause a series of complications and harm to health. Due to the high number of morbidity and mortality related to the pathology, it is essential that means are created to encourage strict control of blood glucose levels and avoid related disorders. The integration of nutritional, physical and psychological care and regular monitoring of blood glucose levels favors effective control of the disease. The present study aimed to evaluate the strategies proposed in the treatment of type 2 diabetes, identifying effective interventions in preventing chronic complications, as well as means to guarantee the well-being and quality of life of these individuals. Both sexes were considered to have type 2 diabetes mellitus and weekly meetings were held from 2021 to 2023 through the “Diabetes em Pauta” program, where blood pressure and blood glucose were checked, as well as physical and nutritional assessments. During the period in question, patients received relevant guidance and participated in activities aimed at controlling the disease. To evaluate the effectiveness of the actions, the Tukey and Friedman Qui quadrado tests were carried out, in which the interventions proved to be efficient, with a significant reduction in BMI, blood glucose (p-value= 0.00013), glycated hemoglobin (p-value= 0.003081) and weight (p-value= 0.002479) of the patients. Therefore, the findings demonstrated that the approaches used in the project are effective strategies for controlling DM2.
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