Playfulness. Methodology. Innovative. Language skills. Foreign LanguageAbstract
This article aims to verify the effectiveness of playful activities in the development of the four linguistic skills in English - reading, writing, speaking and listening - and student engagement through the application of innovative methodological practices that provide a dynamic and pleasurable learning environment. and more meaningful learning for 7th year students at a public school. When using games, music and interactive activities, it was noticed that the majority of students participated, this is because the practices that were carried out were far from everyday school life. The pedagogical practices were carried out in three classes, in each of which the teaching and learning methodology was modified, thus encouraging the active participation of students who, collaboratively, built more effective learning. In the first chapter, we discuss the influence of play on teaching and learning the English language, in the second, we discuss play as a factor of inference in learning a foreign language, and in the third, we address the integration of the four language skills through playful activities. Gamified activities, when properly planned, become rich pedagogical tools, which, in addition to arousing greater interest among students, contribute to the development of interactional skills and collaborative work.
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