Cancer. Religious coping. Spirituality. Complementary and integrative practices.Abstract
Objective: To identify in the literature the influence of PICS, spirituality and religiosity (L/R) and religious-spiritual coping (SRC) on the prognosis of Cancer. Methods: This is an integrative literature review, carried out in the VHL and PubMed, with articles published between 2015-2020 with the descriptors "Cancer And Complementary and Integrative Practices", "Cancer And Religious Coping" and "Cancer And Spirituality". With the systematization of two questions: What is the importance of spirituality in the biopsychosocial context of health and disease processes?. What are the effects of complementary and integrative practices and religious coping? . Results: Among the benefits of PICS, increased acceptance, motivation, overcoming, social strengthening and hope were highlighted. R/R improved well-being and social, physical and mental health if a positive RC was modulated, and if negative RC was stimulated, there was a setback in treatment, pain catastrophizing and increased suffering. Thus, gratitude, compassion, prayers and praise guarantee resilience in treatment, less suffering and material detachment, eliminating the fear of death. Final considerations: Based on this, it is necessary to further disseminate PICS and R/A associated with the follow-up of patients with AC, in order to inhibit negative RC and reinforce positive CR, as well as to encourage the insertion of patients in some modality of PICS for physical, social and mental balance.
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