Social Media Analysis, Strategic Planning, Knowledge ManagementAbstract
This research aims to explore and map the structure and positioning of the actors in an intra-organizational network composed of the project implementation and after-sales sectors of a company specialized in technological solutions for the management of the agro-industrial process in sugar and alcohol mills. Using Social Network Analysis (SRA) and NetDraw® software, the study creates a detailed network map to examine the interactions and academic profile of employees in the sugarcane operations sector. The main objective is to provide insights that will guide the organization in the analysis of the academic training profile of its employees, focusing on the identification of patterns and relationships between variables such as length of service, academic background (undergraduate and graduate), and the higher education institutions attended. Based on this data, the survey aims to improve selection processes for attracting and selecting new talent, refine the resource allocation strategy, and support the development of more effective organizational strategies. The results obtained will allow the company to better align the skills of its professionals with strategic demands, in addition to supporting decisions on new hires, organizational restructuring, partnerships and training. In this way, the analysis contributes to a more efficient management of intellectual capital and to the competitive success of the company in the sector.
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