



Ostensible Policing in Traffic. Direction. Drunkenness. Prohibition.


This article is a bibliographical review of the literature on Ostensive Traffic Policing as a tool for preventing and reducing crime in the context of the Dry Law. It aims to understand the crime prevention and reduction tools related to the Dry Law, as well as the application of Ostensive Traffic Policing. Driving under the influence of alcohol is a risky behavior associated with a significant number of traffic accidents. Enforcement actions, administrative and criminal sanctions for drivers caught engaging in this behavior are adopted throughout the country. It is understood that Ostensive Traffic Policing is fundamental to preventing, combating and consequently reducing crime related to drinking and driving. In order to carry out the study, a bibliographic survey was carried out over the last 15 years (2009 to 2024) and 75 articles were found, 11 of which were selected for analysis, as they specifically covered Ostensive Traffic Policing, Dry Law and drunk driving. In addition to a documentary survey, the conceptual and legal aspects were identified, as well as the characterization of the Dry Law applied by ostensive traffic policing, which seeks to prevent and reduce the rates of drunk driving. It was concluded that there is a need for continued monitoring and education, because although the practice of abusive drinking and driving has reduced in Brazil, the practice. 


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Author Biographies

  • Eduardo Miguel Felicio Fagundes

    Polícia Militar do Paraná - PMPR.

  • Suellen Cristo de Freitas

    Polícia Militar do Paraná - PMPR.


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How to Cite

OSTENSIBLE TRAFFIC POLICING AS A TOOL FOR CRIME PREVENTION AND REDUCTION IN THE CONTEXT OF THE DRY LAW IN URBAN TRAFFIC. (2024). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(9), e595655. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v5i9.5655