


Domestic violence. Empowerment, Public Policies.


This article aims to initiate a theoretical reflection on gender violence, connecting it with the approaches of government policies to combat it. To this end, we highlight the importance of public policies, which are essential to deal effectively and consistently with gender-based violence. In order to achieve these objectives, we will address the example of the Attention Network for Violence against Women, which seeks to develop effective preventive strategies and policies that aim to ensure women's autonomy and their human rights, hold aggressors accountable, and provide specialized care to women who suffer violence. The objective of this study is to promote a discussion between the data collected on domestic violence at the national level and the security initiatives implemented to deal with cases of violence against women in the family environment. Thus, by analyzing in more detail the implementation of public policies dedicated to this theme, taking into account the influence of feminist movements in this context, we seek to evaluate the government's recent actions in response to the problem of violence against women, highlighting the challenges faced in the conventional criminal justice system.


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Author Biographies

  • Grasiele Mello dos Santos

    Discente do curso de Direito da Universidade Potiguar do Rio Grande do Norte - UNP.

  • Claudio Eugenio da Cruz

    Policial Civil Aposentado do Rio Grande do Norte e Discente da Universidade Potiguar do Rio Grande do Norte


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How to Cite

PUBLIC POLICIES TO TACKLE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. (2024). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(9), e595722.