



Edentulism, Immediate Partial Prosthesis, Removable Partial Prosthesis, Oral Rehabilitation


Edentulism is characterised by the partial or total loss of natural teeth, significantly compromising patients' masticatory function, aesthetics and quality of life, and the absence of teeth can result in chewing difficulties, speech problems, changes in facial appearance and psychological impacts such as low self-esteem and social discomfort. This study highlights the importance of Removable Partial Dentures (RPD) in prosthetic rehabilitation in dentistry, highlighting their benefits beyond masticatory efficiency and the preservation of oral tissues. Its main objective is to analyse the relevance of RPD in the context of prosthetic rehabilitation, emphasising their essential functions and their aesthetic impact. The research includes a detailed account of the rehabilitation of a 69-year-old female patient who sought care to adjust her oral environment and initially used an upper provisional immediate partial prosthesis (PIPP) after tooth extraction and was subsequently rehabilitated with a definitive RPD, in addition, this study reports on the prosthetic modalities that contribute to restoring functionality, aesthetics and oral health, proving the effectiveness of the RPD as a comprehensive rehabilitation solution.


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Author Biographies

  • Juliano Rossetto

    Graduating student in Dentistry - FSG Centro Universitário - Caxias do Sul/RS

  • Lucas Bozzetti Pigozzi

    Master in Prosthodontics - Professor of the Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry - FSG Centro Universitário - Caxias do Sul/RS

  • Leonardo De Cesaro

    PhD in Dentistry - Professor of the Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry - FSG Centro Universitário - Caxias do Sul/RS

  • Mariá Cortina Bellan

    PhD in Restorative Dentistry - Professor of Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry - FSG Centro Universitário -Caxias do Sul/RS

  • Marília Paulus

    PhD in Dental Materials - Professor of Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry - FSG Centro Universitário - Caxias do Sul/RS


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How to Cite

ORAL REHABILITATION WITH REMOVABLE PARTIAL DENTURES AFTER EXODONTIA: CLINICAL CASE REPORT. (2024). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(9), e595740. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v5i9.5740