Early diagnosis. Emergency. Imaging diagnosis.Abstract
Point of care ultrasoud (POCUS) has emerged as an essential tool for the rapid and effective assessment of several critical conditions in the hospital environment, including acute aortic dissection. Objective: to review the application of bedside ultrasound in the context of acute aortic dissection. Materials and methods: this is an integrative review, in which the guiding question was “How does the use of bedside ultrasound for the diagnosis of acute aortic dissection in patients compare to the use of standard diagnostic methods in terms of diagnostic accuracy, time to diagnosis, mortality rate, and associated complications?”. The search for articles was carried out in PubMed using the terms “point of care ultrasound" and "acute aortic dissection”, combined with each other by Boolean operators. Results and discussion: Since the diagnosis needs to be made quickly, especially in unstable patients, transthoracic echocardiography with bedside ultrasound is a rapid and noninvasive imaging study that should be used to aid in the diagnosis of acute aortic dissection. POCUS has been shown to significantly reduce the time to diagnosis of these pathologies in different studies, with high specificity and sensitivity to diagnose the disease, and reduced mortality and follow-up mortality. Conclusion: We conclude that there is a great advantage in using POCUS in the emergency department for the diagnosis of fatal pathologies, as it is fast, portable, noninvasive and repeatable.
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