Breastfeeding, Pacifiers, Oral healthAbstract
Breastfeeding is crucial for the health and development of the baby, offering benefits that go beyond nutrition, such as strengthening the emotional bond between mother and child and promoting adequate craniofacial development. Despite WHO recommendations for exclusive breastfeeding in the first six months, many children are introduced to pacifiers and bottles, which can lead to non-nutritive sucking habits. This study aimed to investigate the importance of breastfeeding and the relationship between early cessation of breastfeeding and the emergence of harmful sucking habits. A narrative literature review was conducted, using databases such as Pubmed and Scielo, from 2019 to 2024, focusing on relevant articles on the topic. The data indicate that the use of pacifiers and bottles is associated with orofacial problems, such as malocclusion and dysfunctions in chewing and swallowing, as well as an increased risk of cavities. Early cessation of breastfeeding not only affects oral health but also negatively impacts the emotional and social development of the child. The importance of breastfeeding as a protector of healthy oral development is emphasized, highlighting the need for dental monitoring in childhood to prevent and address harmful habits. Educating parents about the relevance of breastfeeding and managing pacifier use is essential to ensure children's oral health.
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