Physiotherapy, Breastfeeding, Health CareAbstract
The physiotherapist plays a fundamental role in promoting the well-being of the postpartum woman, in the positioning of the mother and the newborn and in supporting the breastfeeding process. The general objective was to describe the importance of breastfeeding techniques with correct positioning of the puerperal woman and the newborn. The method used in this research was by bibliographic review with a qualitative approach, searches were carried out in the main database platforms, such as SCIELO, LILACS, PUBMED, Google scholar, with a time frame of the last five years, from 2018 to 2023. The role of the physiotherapist in guiding the positioning of the puerperal woman in relation to the maneuvers and the positioning of the newborn is of great importance for the effectiveness of breastfeeding, avoiding breast fissures and other complications, since the binomial in mother-child breastfeeding has a longer life expectancy.
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