
  • Luciano de Castro Pereira UFRGS




Ludic. Kahoot!. Verification of learning. Spanish language.


The work deals with the use of the playful element in the production of didactic materials for the teaching of the Spanish language. It reinforces the importance of the teacher as the author of his own didactic material and proposes a reflection on the use of information technologies as a resource for teaching and verification of learning. The objective of this research is to verify the learning of the Spanish language in basic education through the application of a quiz, on the virtual platform Kahoot!, with students in the 1st year of high school in a public school in the state education network of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, in the city of Porto Alegre, in the year 2021, year of the Covid-19 pandemic. The results obtained showed that Kahoot! can work as a playful resource for verifying learning, because through the reports generated by the Kahoot! platform itself, it was possible to see that in some questions of the quiz the rates of correct answers are higher in certain subjects and lower in others. The analysis of the percentages of errors and successes can work as a guide for the teacher to identify possible failures in the learning processes, thus enabling a readjustment in their planning and pedagogical objectives.


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Author Biography

  • Luciano de Castro Pereira, UFRGS



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How to Cite

KAHOOT! A PLAYFUL RESOURCE FOR TEACHING AND CHECKING LEARNING IN SPANISH. (2024). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(1), e5105862. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v5i1.5862