



Cannabis; Cannabidiol; THC; CBD.


Various studies on Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD) have revealed a wide range of therapeutic possibilities, with a low incidence of adverse effects. However, their clinical use remains limited. This study aimed to evaluate the perception of Nursing and Pharmacy students regarding the therapeutic properties of CBD and THC. It is a cross-sectional, quantitative, and descriptive study, conducted through an online questionnaire, available on the Google Forms platform. Among the 350 Nursing students, 38 responded to the questionnaire, representing an adhesion rate of 10.86%. In the Pharmacy course, 65 out of 162 students responded, with an adhesion rate of 40.1%. The majority of participants were female (76.7%), with an age range of 19 to 25 years (64.1%). Regarding knowledge of Cannabis compounds, 63.1% of respondents had information about the medicinal use of THC, while 94.2% knew about CBD. Only 1.9% reported having advanced knowledge of the compounds. The most commonly cited treatments were for chronic pain (70.2%) and epilepsy (61.54%). It is hoped that this research will stimulate further investigations on the topic, raising awareness among students and healthcare professionals, especially in fields that can prescribe CBD and THC. The goal is to promote knowledge about the benefits of these substances in the treatment of various conditions, including their use as adjunctive therapy in palliative care and in the management of patients requiring alternative therapies.


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Author Biographies

  • Yasmin Fernandes Hansen

    Centro Universitário Fundação Assis Gurgacz (FAG).

  • Claudinei Mesquita da Silva

    Centro Universitário Fundação Assis Gurgacz (FAG).

  • Leyde Daiane de Peder

    Centro Universitário Fundação Assis Gurgacz (FAG).


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How to Cite

DIFFERENCES BETWEEN TETRAHYDROCANNABIOL AND CANNABIDIOL AND THEIR CLINICAL USES AMONG STUDENTS AT A UNIVERSITY CENTER IN CASCAVEL – PARANÁ. (2024). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(11), e5115993. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v5i11.5993