Testament. Brazilian Law. Limitations. Civil Code.Abstract
This article analyzes the limitations to the freedom to test in the Brazilian legal system, with an emphasis on the need to respect the law. In Brazil, the right to test, although guaranteed, is restricted by the obligation to reserve 50% of the cujus' assets to the necessary heirs (descendants, ascendants and participation), as provided in the articles. 1,845 and 1,846 of the Civil Code. The legitimate purpose is to protect the family and ensure an equitable division of assets. Violation of this rule results in legal consequences such as the reduction of testamentary provisions and, in some cases, the partial nullity of the will, according to the articles. 1967 and 1969. In addition, living donations in excess of the available portion are also subject to judicial review, according to the articles. 2002 and 2007 of the Civil Code. Authors such as Maria Helena Diniz, Silvio de Salvo Venosa and Zeno Veloso highlight the importance of inheritance as a mechanism for protecting the necessary heirs, highlighting its character as a rule of public order. Brazilian research confirms the centrality of tradition in succession, consolidating its function of limiting the freedom to test and guarantee a fair and equitable inheritance. The article concludes that logic is essential to guarantee the social function of inheritance in Brazilian inheritance law.
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