increase in the number of patients in Mental HealthAbstract
In view of the increase in the number of patients in Mental Health and the great unpreparedness of the
team, especially that of Physiotherapy, in approaching this patient both in the physical, mental and
social context, it was necessary to prepare this study. The main purpose of this study is to present
readers with the Physiotherapist's approach to the main pathologies found in the area of Mental Health,
also presenting in a way the role of this professional as a whole. The methodological procedures were
based on bibliographic reviews, manuals, scientific articles, ordinances and criteria and guidelines
established by the Ministry of Health, seeking support and credibility for the development of the study.
In addition, a questionnaire was applied to professionals from 5 professionals trained in Physiotherapy
in Nanuque, in Minas Gerais, who work with patients with mental disorders. It is concluded that the
Physiotherapist needs to have skills, knowledge, emotional preparation and organization to deal with
this type of patient, when faced with this particularity, because the individual cannot be thought of only
by the physical part but also by the mental part. There is a permanent need for the acquisition of
knowledge, reflection and reassessment about the therapies applied to this type of Physiotherapy
patient, in addition to the treatment results, feelings and alternatives to improve and improve the quality
of care provided to this patient.
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