


Licungo Hydrographic Basin. Erosion. Analysis. AHP. Risk.


The present work aims to detect the occurrence of areas susceptible to erosion in the Licungo River Basin. Therefore, the relationship between geomorphological and land cover variables present in the study area was established, based on digital cartographic data (SRTM and satellite images). These data were measured in a GIS environment from the map algebra process, having as a final product the erosion susceptibility map. On that occasion, the variables slope, land use and cover and slope orientation were considered. The results indicated that the areas with the highest degree of susceptibility to erosion result from the correlation between the highest degree of slope, soil exposure and the orientation of the slopes predominantly in the basin under study.


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Author Biographies

  • Gerson Moura Chitula

    Gerson Moura Chitula, Born in Mozambique, 28 years old, Master's degree in Environmental Management and Water Resources and degree in Biological Sciences, Young Dynamic and Innovative, has developed some work and consultancy projects in the environmental area and biodiversity conservation, Currently Teaching at Universidade Aberta ISCED and Catholic University of Mozambique in the Degree in Environmental Management

  • Domingo Juma

    Especialista Ambiental e  Funcionario dos Servicos Distrital de Planeamento e Infraestrutura no Distrito de Nacala-Velha Mocambique.


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How to Cite

ANALYSIS OF EROSION RISK AREAS IN THE LICUNGO WATER BASIN- MOZAMBIQUE. (2024). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 6(1), e616082.