aging leads to an increase in the prevalenceAbstract
Population aging leads to an increase in the prevalence of falls and fractures among the elderly, significantly impacting the quality of life and autonomy of this population. The regular practice of physical activity (PA) emerges as a crucial strategy in the promotion of preventive health, especially in the maintenance of mobility and in the prevention of accidents in elderly individuals. This article reviews the scientific literature on the influence of PA on mobility, muscle strength, balance and motor coordination in the elderly, with a focus on the prevention of falls and domestic accidents. The analysis shows that PA, especially multicomponent exercises that combine aerobic, strength and balance activities, contributes to the improvement of functional capacity, reduction of the risk of falls, increase in muscle strength, improvement of balance and motor coordination, positively impacting the autonomy and quality of life of the elderly. It is concluded that PA is a fundamental tool in the preventive health of the elderly, and should be encouraged and promoted by physical education and health professionals.
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