


health field, the ability to communicate and express


In the health field, the ability to communicate and express oneself is essential for anamnesis, physical examination and identification of the patient's symptoms, therefore, the professionals' action is based on communication and approach to the deaf patient becomes a challenge, especially for physiotherapists. This study aims to understand and understand how physical therapy is provided to people with hearing disabilities in the municipality of Nanuque, in Minas Gerais, identifying the positives, difficulties and challenges in health care in the municipality. Methodology: Given the facts that will be addressed in this project and for a better analysis of the research, it is observed that it is classified as exploratory, with the aim of better absorption, understanding and interaction with the object of study, thus expanding concepts and thus , to increase the amount of information on the topic discussed. For the development of this project, the technique for data collection will be bibliographic research and case study. With the completion of the study, the objectives and goals proposed in its introduction were achieved, because, with the results obtained in the research, it was possible to understand and understand that although 100% of respondents knew the Brazilian sign language, 42% said that this knowledge did not help during the service because the language was not predominant, which ends up becoming a challenge to the care of these patients.


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Author Biography

  • Larissa Bolzani Gabriel, Centro Universitario de Caratinga

    Graduanda em Fisioterapia pela Fundação Educacional de Caratinga e Centro Universitário de Caratinga, Campus de Nanuque - MG.


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How to Cite

PHYSIOTHERAPIST ASSISTANCE TO PATIENTS HEARING IMPAIRMENT PEOPLE. (2021). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 2(8), e28613.