


Learning. Self-efficacy. Computational Learning Environments.


The main objective of this study is to develop a model to diagnose, monitor and instruct on the Self-Efficacy of students in Computational Learning Environments (ACA), in order to contribute to the improvement and enhancement of learning strategies. The research is part of the area of Affective Computing, which investigates the relationship between emotions and learning, considering how emotions can positively or negatively impact the actions of students' daily lives. Self-efficacy is understood as the student's belief in their ability to perform, directly affecting their motivation and behavior. A quantitative-qualitative study was chosen, with an exploratory and descriptive design. Thus, the study comprises three stages: diagnosis of Self-efficacy, use of the Orange tool to create behavior patterns, instruction and continuous monitoring of students. The study aims to help students self-know and also improve organization and planning, resulting in assertive academic choices, as well as improved performance. With a focus on advancing learning and reducing school dropout, the model stands out for its preventive approach to self-efficacy, especially relevant for distance learning.


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Author Biographies

  • Kelis Estatiane de Campos

    Graduada em Licenciatura Plena em Computação pela Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso- UNEMAT, Mestre em Educação pela UNEMAT, Doutorado pela Universidade do Vale dos Sinos. Professora da UNEMAT. Universidade do Vale dos Sinos.



  • Sandro José Rigo

    Professor emérito da Universidade do Vale dos Sinos.

  • Jorge Luís Victória Barbosa

    Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos.


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