


Covid-19, domestic violence, social isolation


The social isolation instituted as a way of narrowing the transmission of Covid-19 is closely related to the increase in cases of domestic violence. The elaborated article aims to highlight factors that favor violent acts in the pandemic, with no intention of justifying any type of crime. The groups most affected by the context of confinement and violence are children, women and the elderly, as the existing fragility has gained elements susceptible to oppression, among them, the distance from the support network. The method included bibliographic searches in several databases, mainly in articles published from 2020 associated with Covid-19. In short, it highlights the need for information on actions capable of minimizing or extinguishing abusive acts in vulnerable populations.


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Author Biographies

  • Gabriela Lopes da Silva Almeida

    Medical Student at the University Center of Espírito Santo

  • Gabriela Gatti Machado

    Medical Student at the University Center of Espírito Santo

  • Igor Casagrande dos Santos

    Medical Student at the University Center of Espírito Santo

  • Luiz Fernando

    Medical Student at the University Center of Espírito Santo

      Ícone "Verificada pela comunidade"          
  • Marcela Brum dos Reis

    Medical Student at the University Center of Espírito Santo

  • Mariana

    Medical Student at the University Center of Espírito Santo

  • Matheus de Almeida Schittini

    Medical Student at the University Center of Espírito Santo

  • Renan Estaquioti Rizo

    Medical Student at the University Center of Espírito Santo

  • Stephen Cunha da Silva


    Graduando em medicina, atualmente no 6° ano no centro universitário do Espírito Santo, (UNESC), atuou  como membro da liga acadêmica de medicina do esporte (LAMES) , de 2016 a 2018 e da liga acadêmica de oftalmologia (LAOF), de 2017 a 2018. Concluiu com êxito o curso de ACLS, em 2021. Participa de congressos, cursos e simpósios. Fluente em português, intermediário em espanhol. Possui interesse em área de saúde, como psiquiatria.

  • André de Oliveira Lourenço

    Specialist in Psychiatry



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How to Cite

THE COMPLEXITY OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. (2021). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 2(8), e28620.