Military Police of Paraná, Public Security, Prevention, Police Sciences.Abstract
This article aims to establish a relationship between Community Policing, considered a new subject in the Military Police of Paraná, and the Military Police Employment Doctrine, which has been taught as a subject in the Military Police's training, qualification and specialization courses for many years, as well as supporting police actions and operations in the corporation's daily routine. Much has been said about this new Community Policing philosophy in the State of Paraná, however, its acceptance is not unanimous and its practical application has been restricted to a few operational units, whose motivation comes from the commander of this unit himself or from an officer or enlisted man who knows the results, believes in the process and ends up convincing or simply having the commander's authorization to implement this policing practice that, as the name suggests, brings the community closer to the Military Police, establishing a relationship of trust, not only with the institution as a public force, but with the police officers who carry out the work. The consequence of this interaction is precisely the drop in crime rates, especially in the commercial sectors and outskirts of cities, and the increase in the population's trust in their police. The relationship between Community Policing and the Employment Doctrine that will be presented in this article is precisely in line with the most fundamental bases that regulate the prevention activity in public security, as set out in the Federal Constitution, in infra-constitutional laws and in the corporation's regulations.
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