


Cloud Computing, Planning, Tactic, Strategy, Management


As a result of the pandemic caused by the Sars-Cov-2 virus, with a focus on the safety of human life, many organizations started the migration of the workflow from the classroom to the home office, so, to find practical solutions, the manager must apply his knowledge in strategies that aim to meet the company's changes and objectives. For many organizations, migrating their software's local storage model and converting a static software to a model that adapts to the need of not being in physical facilities was the solution found to achieve numerous functionalities providing greater care for the environment, supported by sustainable practices. Thus, this study observes the development and change from traditional software to the cloud service - Cloud Computing - that a software developer company started to implement in its range. It was preceded by the observation of how the company would transform the software it sells to meet the new demands of the market and globalization. The study points to the importance of the manager's observation and care in carrying out an analysis of both the needs of customers and the developing organization. Providing information consistent with the new challenge, clarifying the path for implementing process methodologies and risk analysis, facilitates and fosters the prospect of conquering new market shares, which are in constant evolution.


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Author Biographies

  • Deyse Neves Novo, Fatec Campinas

    Business Management Technology Student

  • Gabriela Felizardo, Fatec Campinas

    Estudante de Tecnologia em Gestão Empresarial. 

  • João Filipe Lavorini dos Santos, Fatec Campinas

    Business Management Technology Student

  • Leticia Guedes Cappelletti Michelassi, Fatec Campinas

    Business Management Technology Student

  • Jaime Cazuhiro Ossada, Fatec Campinas

    Professor Doutor Coordenador Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas


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How to Cite

MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT PROCESS FOR CLOUD SERVICE MIGRATION. (2021). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 2(8), e28636.