
  • Lorena Gonçalves ufpa
  • Marcos Valerio Silva




Hospital Quality Management, Academic Review


Introduction: The evaluation of the quality of health systems began its development in the hospital and medical schools, the approaches evaluated quality were built in valuable instrument, because they helped to select the clinical approaches with the best cost/efevity ratio.Objective: Update the literature on the quality of management in health environments. An effective evaluation of health services can only be conducted if it is supported by programs that establish criteria, standards and indicators in order to instrumentalize the process of evaluation of services. Objective: To update the literature on the subject, quality of management in health environments Methodology: This is an updated study of integrative reviews conducted in the Databases Virtual Health Library, VHL, lilacs database (Latin American Literature in Health Sciences) and in the database BDENF (Bibliographic Database Specialized in Nursing in Brazil), MEDLINE, CUMED, and Sec. Est. Health SPBVS (Virtual Health Library), published from 2016 in the english Portuguese English. Data were collected in May 2021. Results: 24 articles that comprised the research sample were identified. Final considerations: the revised publications demonstrate the constant evolution and improvement of management within the hospital environment, revealing the importance and need for further studies on the quality of health management. 


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Author Biography

  • Lorena Gonçalves, ufpa

    Universidade Federal do Pará - UFPA


Referências da RIL

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How to Cite

QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN HEALTH ENVIRONMENTS: An INTEGRATIVE LITERATURE REVIEW. (2021). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 2(9), e29678. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v2i9.678