


Palliative Care, Comprehensive Health Care, Nursing care



Palliative care is assistance provided to patients without a therapeutic option that provides a cure, predicting as the main target the quality of life, well-being for this public and nursing has a fundamental role in this part, clarifying doubts and supporting the family and the patient in your decision making. The study aims to highlight the importance of nursing care in assisting terminal clients. The present research, it is a review of the integrative type of qualitative character. Comprehensive health care in palliative care goes far beyond care assistance, focusing only on the patient or on the disease that compromised them, but in general, especially those who are domiciled, there is a greater involvement of the family, the care provided in their precinct should consider in the well-being of the patient and indirectly in the family. We conclude that nurses provide palliative care are some of the most complex forms of professional care, as their care must be above all ethical and humane, with respect, following as much as possible the dignity principles to preserve the patient and family in this critical phase that are passing those involved.


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Author Biographies

  • Mateus Silva Soares

    Acadêmico do curso bacharel em enfermagem, na faculdade de Educação São Francisco. 

  • Victor Guilherme Pereira da Silva Marques

    Acadêmico do curso Bacharel em Enfermagem, no Centro Universitário do Piauí – UNIFAPI.

  • Allan Bruno Alves de Sousa Santos

    Graduando do curso Bacharel em Enfermagem, na Faculdade de educação São Francisco – FAESF.

  • Mikaelly Cordeiro

    Graduanda do curso Bacharel em Enfermagem, na Faculdade de educação São Francisco – FAESF

  • Antonia Mylene Sousa Almeida

    Acadêmica do curso Bacharel em Enfermagem, na Faculdade de educação São Francisco – FAESF.

  • Anna Beatriz Conceição de Souza

    Graduanda em Nutrição na Universidade Federal do Pará .

  • Francisco Wagner dos Santos Sousa

    Graduando em enfermagem na Universidade Estadual do Piauí.

  • Gabriela Cerqueira de Albuquerque

    acadêmica do curso Bacharel em Enfermagem, no Centro Universitário Tiradentes.

  • Mariana de Siqueira Santos

    Acadêmica do curso Bacharel em Enfermagem, na Universidade Anhembi Morumbi.



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How to Cite

THE ROLE OF NURSING IN PALLIATIVE CARE FOR ONCOLOGICAL PATIENTS: A BRIEF REVIEW. (2021). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 2(9), e29695.