Chikungunya, Osteoarticular, PhysiotherapyAbstract
INTRODUCTION: Chikungunya disease is an arbovirus transmitted through the bite of an infected Aedes Aegypti or Aedes Albopictus mosquito. Symptoms include high fever, severe joint pain, and red patches of skin. Physical therapy treatment causes an improvement in the stages of the disease, making the patient have a daily life without pain in the joints (SALES et al., 2018). OBJECTIVE: To analyze musculoskeletal complaints in patients with Chikungunya in Nanuque (MG). METHODOLOGY: Descriptive exploratory quantitative research carried out in patients of both genders, aged from 18 years to over 70 years, carriers of Chikungunya in Nanuque (MG). RESULTS: It was observed that 63.7% joint pain; 36.3% pain in muscles and bones, 27% pain in organs. 3% pain for 15 days, 15.2% for 30 days and 81.8% for more than 30 days. 9% acute pain, 6% subacute pain, 21.21% chronic pain and 63.79% did not assess pain and 84.95% persistent pain and 15.05% high fever. 60.65% used medication, 30.35% did not use medication and 9% used other resources. 27.2% had medical appointments, 57.5% did not and 15.3% had no knowledge. 63.6% preventive methods, 36.4% did not participate. 39.6% had had physical therapy treatment, 39.5% had not and 21.2% only used medication. 96% stressed the importance of physical therapy, 3.1% did not evaluate it. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: It is concluded that patients from Nanuque (MG) have main complaints, joint pain and fever. Physical therapy is an effective treatment for the disease, relieving osteoarticular pain and providing an improvement in your daily life.
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