


Child Care, Paternal Behavior, Infant, Newborn, Father-Child Relations


Objective: to describe the scientific evidence on the paternal role in relation to the newborn. Methodology: literature review study developed at the Virtual Health Library and Google Scholar, from February to May 2019 with the descriptors: paternal care, newborn and paternity. Results: five articles were retrieved that resulted in two elements “The father's image in the newborn care” and “The father's insertion in the newborn care process”. The role of the father in caring for the newborn was evidenced, although there is an attentive maternal gaze. Conclusion: there was a need for a solid construction of the father figure for the newborn, in order to support effective and safe care for the newborn. There were few studies on the proposed theme.


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Author Biographies

  • Caroline Brondani Rosa

    Universidade Franciscana

  • Eduardo Marques Machado

    Universidade Franciscana

  • Bibiana Sales Antunes

    Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

  • Rosiane Filipin Rangel

    Universidade Franciscana

  • Liliane Alves Pereira

    Universidade Franciscana


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How to Cite

PATERNAL ROLE IN RELATION TO NEWBORN CARE: A REVIEW STUDY. (2021). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 2(10), e210878.