multiple intelligences and their significanceAbstract
The multiple intelligences and their significance in the educational field is to understand the diverse multiplicity of the human being respecting their distinct related potentialities, of subjecting them to a paradigm of formation that allows the individual capacity of each being within its conditions and perspectives in view of the nine intelligences developed from piaget's idea and based on Gardner's studies. Aiming to identify in the literature answers to understand the possible intellectual forms of each person, as special as it may be, to learn according to their abilities, focusing on the potential, we can understand that the intrapersonal success of individuals will be more conducive to happen, bringing meaning to their learning, so it is fundamental the use of the subject in education. Use of bibliographic analyses, whose approach on the theme in question, seeking to refer us in the biography confabuland the philosophies of the authors in showing their views on a salutary subject contemporary society. As a result, we can point out the discovery of preponderant elements, add to clarify the importance of using this literature to improve and, including these assumptions in school agendas, it is essential to believe that multiple intelligences are of paramount value for the development of people, respecting their individualities democratically and, enhancing their abilities in a plural and inclusive way. We differ, the differences that must be considered in the school environment and in the integral human formation of beings in cultural, historical and social construction.
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