
  • Antonio José Santos



purpose of the work is to address organizational environments


The purpose of the work is to address organizational environments. From the public budget and the issue of urban land regularization in our society. With the aim of understanding the extent to which these programs are concerned with preserving the environment. For such an analysis, the institutional theory of the studies carried out by the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu will be used. Aiming to analyze the organizational environments proposed by governments and whether they intend to act sustainably. Addressing a contextualization of land tenure regularization. Description of the organization in the field in Latin America. Understand the extent to which these measures impact the public budget. Despite recognizing a need for structuring the field, this requires some significant changes. This process of organization by the States requires a series of investments, whether financial or in studies. In this case, we will assess the extent to which these activities would have an impact on the public budget. Based on Pierre Bourdieu's concepts for a better understanding of institutional theory.Bringing in addition to a description of this practice, questions about actions in the field of ecology, diversity and sustainability.


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Author Biography

Antonio José Santos

Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (UNIJUÍ)



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How to Cite

Santos, A. J. (2022). ORGANIZATIONAL ENVIRONMENTS: ECOLOGY, DIVERSITY AND SUSTAINABILITY FROM A BOURDIUSIAN VISION. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(12), e3122423.