work is listed: to analyze the importance of being a teacherAbstract
In the present work, it is listed: to analyze the importance of being a teacher in early childhood education; interpersonal relationships: teachers and students; evaluate the importance of the teacher for early childhood education students; establish and create conditions and spaces for teachers to develop a quality work; establish and create projects that encourage teachers in children's school spaces. It is advocated that a children's school unit in which the constitution of education is applied in a democratic and reflective way is the main objective to be achieved. Thus, the importance of the teacher on the development provided by the student, identifies the way that the student himself becomes an agent of the learning process, critical thinking of transformation, modifying and deciding improvements for our society. For this, bibliographic research was carried out of qualitative and descriptive character. It was concluded the importance of being an innovative teacher in early childhood education, to ensure that the educational process happens with quality.
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