


scenario generated by the Coronavirus pandemic in 2020


The Coronavirus pandemic in 2020 forced various sectors of the economy to review their work formats. In this scenario, the present study, of an exploratory nature, aimed to identify the impacts on the performance of workers resulting from the sudden change in the work model, as well as the benefits arising from the adoption of the home office in the perception of workers in the financial market and technology residents in the city of São Paulo. For that, a survey was applied, with an electronic questionnaire. It was observed that the remote work model has attractive benefits for companies, workers and society as a whole in the most diverse fields, from the reduction of pollutants in the atmosphere due to the lower volume of daily commutes to the greater time available for workers to carry out activities. linked to leisure, health or family according to the respondents' perception. Data were processed and statistically analyzed using Microsoft Excel® software. After the analysis, it was concluded that remote work with the adoption of the home office brought improvements in the performance of the worker, generating an increase in productivity and cost reduction for the organization, in the perception of the respondents. Considering the limitations of the study, due to its small non-statistical sample and restricted only to professionals working in the financial and technology market, further studies are suggested that allow the generalization of the results.


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Author Biographies

Caio Eduardo Doná Araujo, PUC SP

Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - PUC SP.

João Pinheiro de Barros Neto, PUC SP

Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - PUC SP.


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How to Cite

Eduardo Doná Araujo, C., & Pinheiro de Barros Neto, J. (2023). PERCEPTION OF FINANCE AND TECHNOLOGY WORKERS ON HOME OFFICE ADOPTION DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(2), e422730.