



Karate. Executive Functions. Neurocognitive Assessment


Practicing Karate can improve executive functions, which are cognitive skills responsible for planning, organizing and controlling actions and thoughts. Studies have shown that the practice of martial arts, such as Karate, can improve attention, working memory and the speed of information processing. Karate requires concentration, self-control and strategic planning, skills that are important for executive functions. The influence of karate sport on the development of Executive Functions is observed in the results of research conducted with a group of 40 karate athletes in relation to the development of these functions.


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Author Biographies

Homar Fayçal Campos Costa

Doctoral student and Master in Educational Psychology - University Center UNIFIEO - Research line Evaluation of Human Development and Learning: Educational Implications. Member of GEPECOLAM - Study and Research Group on Olympic Combat Sports, Fights and Martial Arts, Holds a degree in Physical Education from the University of Mogi das Cruzes (2003). Specialist in Training Methodology for High Performance Sport by the High Performance Center of São Paulo (NAR/SP) (2017). Specialist in Resistance Training - Bodybuilding - by Faculdades Integradas de Santo André – FEFISA (2009). Specialist in Personalized Training by Faculdades Integradas de Santo André – FEFISA (2008). Coordinator of the Scientific Academic Department of the KSP Olímpico Project of the São Paulo Karate Federation (FPK).

Ricardo Alessandro Diegues

Profissional de Educação Física e Pedagogo. Mestrando em Psicologia educacional - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Educacional – Centro Universitário UNIFIEO.

Lucio Ferreira Santana

Doutor em Psicologia Educacional – Docente no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Educacional – Centro Universitário UNIFIEO.


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How to Cite

Campos Costa, H. F., Diegues, R. A., & Ferreira Santana, L. . (2023). KARATE AND EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(3), e432823. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v4i3.2823