


Public security, Transnational Crime, Border


In the context of Public Security, developing plans and coordinating operations with the participation of several teams from the same Institution is part of the routine, but carrying out such actions with two or more agencies from different institutions has become a challenge nowadays. Two influencing factors stand out: the environment and the actors involved. The more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous the environment, the more dynamic planning must be. As for the actors, whether from their own forces, friendly forces or adverse forces, they will be responsible for the lines of action to be adopted and the decision-making points to be reached for the success of the mission. The present study uses as an example the police action in the border region, where the conflict of competences can arise at any time, including during incidents considered simple, as in these regions there is concomitant action by federal, state and municipal public security bodies, institutions of defense, customs control, health surveillance, transport, among others. All of these characteristics are complicated by the dynamics of transnational crime, which does not respect borders and still exploits social vulnerabilities, with evidence of the corruption of public agents. The biggest challenge for institution representatives is to put aside vanity and focus on common objectives, explore characteristics such as exponential leadership and improve their operational planning at all levels (strategic, tactical and operational) for integrated work.


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Author Biographies

André Cristiano Dorecki

Especialista em Segurança Pública pela Polícia Militar do Paraná.

Roberto de França

Especialista em Inteligência Policial pela Polícia Militar do Paraná.


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How to Cite

Cristiano Dorecki, A., & de França, R. (2024). INTERAGENCY OPERATIONS: DOCTRINAL DEFINITION FOR PLANNING AND COORDINATION IN THE CONTEXT OF PUBLIC SECURITY IN BRAZIL. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(2), e524916.