


Palliative Care, Pediatrics, Oncology.


Pediatric Palliative Care (PPC) are care actions aimed at children and their families offered by a multidisciplinary team at all levels of health care. Objective: To analyze the importance and relevance of palliative care in pediatrics present in hospitals. Methodology: This is an integrative review of the literature, whose search terms were: “Palliative Care”; "Pediatrics"; “Oncology”, a total of 18 articles being analyzed. Result and Discussion: Studies show that the moment of pediatric illness encompasses, in addition to the physical dimension, mental and spiritual issues of the child and their family. Faced with the diagnosis, they experience feelings of fear, sadness, anguish and insecurity, as well as fear of a possible separation from their families and the possibility of finitude. In contrast, the integration of CPP into the care of children with serious illnesses improves their quality of life, promoting comfort and support. Furthermore, home-based CPP increased the quality of life of these patients, as they provide the experience of games and family contact, promoting physical and mental well-being. However, it has been noted that the lack of clinical training, as well as education of families with children living with serious illnesses, represents a major barrier for children and families in accessing qualified palliative care. Conclusion: The assistance practice of pediatric palliative care is still in deficit in the context of modern medicine. There is a clear need for public policies that aim for this multidisciplinary support with technical mastery of pediatric palliative care.


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Author Biographies

Lucio Donizete de Souza Junior

Universidade Professor Edson Antônio Velano - UNIFENAS.

Alexandre Teixeira do Amaral

Claretiano Centro Universitário.

Fernanda Vilas Boas Meneguel

Universidade Professor Edson Antônio Velano - UNIFENAS.

Maria Eugênia Giraldi Solano

Universidade Professor Edson Antônio Velano - UNIFENAS.

Carollayne Mendonça Rocha

Universidade José do Rosário Vellano - UNIFENAS.


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How to Cite

Donizete de Souza Junior, L., Teixeira do Amaral, A., Vilas Boas Meneguel, F., Giraldi Solano, M. E., & Mendonça Rocha, C. (2024). THE IMPORTANCE OF PALLIATIVE CARE IN PEDIATRICS: PROVIDING COMFORT AND QUALITY OF LIFE TO CHILDREN. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(6), e565324.