


School Inclusion. Teaching-learning. Down Syndrome.


It is essential to understand that Down syndrome should not be distinguished as a disease but rather as a genetic alteration that occurs in three forms: simple trisomy, translocation, and mosaicism. This study aims to identify the main situations faced by a person with the syndrome, relating to their development and stimuli, and their journey in School Inclusion and its importance in the teaching-learning process for students with Down syndrome. Thus, this research highlights the value of pointing out possibilities for inclusive pedagogical techniques, promoting equity, and increasing the autonomy of students with Down syndrome. From this perspective, a bibliographic research with a descriptive qualitative approach was adopted. The results indicated the need for ongoing teacher training to promote the development of skills in students with Down syndrome. Finally, the findings emphasize that the interaction between the educational sector and the classroom strengthens school inclusion procedures. Therefore, individualized support and group support are also needed to encourage socialization, fostering a psychologically and physically healthy life.


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Author Biographies

Keila Cristina de Paiva Silva

Fundação Universitária Iberoamericana – Funiber.

Maria Andréia Gonçalves

Fundação Universitária Iberoamericana – Funiber.

Layla Daiane de Jesus Malheiros

Fundação Universitária Iberoamericana – Funiber.

Flávia Fabiane Fernandes Senário

Escola Municipal Egídio Cordeiro Aquino.

Rodrigo Brito Sales

Fundação Universitária Iberoamericana – Funiber.

Telma Maria Pires

Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (UNINI-México).


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How to Cite

de Paiva Silva, K. C., Lamartine de Souza, L., Gonçalves, M. A., de Jesus Malheiros, L. D., Fernandes Senário, F. F., Brito Sales , R., & Pires , T. M. (2024). PREPARING THE PATH FOR SCHOOL INCLUSION: RESTORING TEACHING-LEARNING FOR STUDENTS WITH DOWN SYNDROME. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(6), e565397.